As an AWS Partner, ProCogia can help you build modern applications

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AWS Partner

Modern organizations are turning to AWS Partners to increase their pace of innovation. They are looking to gain more business value from their data and create new customer experiences. To achieve all this, these organizations need to modernize the way they build and operate applications. Modern applications are being developed to increase the agility of teams within organizations, as well as the reliability, security, and scalability of the applications themselves. More than 500 million applications are expected to be built in the next few years. This means businesses are going to need to strike the right balance between managing technology and building new features. ProCogia can help you build modern applications Modern applications are created with modular architectural patterns and serverless operational models, alongside agile developer processes. These sophisticated applications are designed to help organizations to innovate faster, minimize risk, reduce time to market, and reduce business costs.

Why you need an AWS Partner

AWS Partner Procogia   If you want to reduce application costs and bring products to market faster, you need an AWS Partner. ProCogia is an AWS Select Tier Consulting Partner with a wealth of experience in AWS Cloud Solutions and AWS Cloud Data Engineering. We can help you build modern applications on AWS that will bring a range of business benefits for your organization.

Accelerate time to market

  By accelerating build and release cycles and offloading operational costs to AWS, your organization will be better placed to compete in your industry sector, because you’ll be able to deliver better user experiences and products in a shorter timeframe and at a lower cost.

Increase innovation

  With modern applications, developers can safely experiment with new features without the worry of causing a major business disruption, because modular components are independent of one another. Although experimentation is a key part of learning, informed experimentation can be much more productive and efficient.

Reduce costs

  Modern applications created with AWS reduce the cost of over-provisioning or paying for idle resources, thanks to the AWS pay-for-value pricing model. In addition, offloading infrastructure management means maintenance costs are significantly reduced.

Increase reliability

  As your AWS partner, we will help you to automates test and release processes which reduces error rates and enhances monitoring at every stage of the development lifecycle. This makes modern applications more reliable when it comes to deployment.

Choose the correct tool for each workload

  For each unique workload, ProCogia will help you choose the ideal tools to address the business needs of your organization.

Modern application development with AWS Cloud Solutions

AWS Partner Procogia   Today’s dynamic businesses are rapidly adopting a modern application development approach. They’re using AWS Cloud Solutions to:

  • Increase agility with microservices
  • Simplify management with cloud technologies
  • Automate testing procedures
  • Reduce costs with a pay-for-value pricing model.

AWS Select Tier Consulting Partner

AWS Partner Procogia   As an AWS Select Tier Consulting Partner, ProCogia has a highly experienced and dedicated team of AWS certified experts working with clients across multiple industry sectors. Our experts support organizations using this platform and build modern applications that enable faster growth and reduced IT costs. ProCogia’s AWS expertise enables our clients to build sophisticated applications with increased flexibility and reliability using a range of AWS services, including but not limited to:

AWS Cloud Solutions EC2 EMR
RDS Instances Redshift Kinesis
API Gateway Cloud formation Data lake formation
Lambda functions Glue Transfer family SFTP

Choose a trusted AWS partner

ProCogia is an AWS Select Tier Consulting Partner with a wealth of AWS expertise. specializing in AWS Cloud Solutions and AWS Cloud Data Engineering, we can help your business to build modern applications.


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